John Barrasso believes in...
Helping You Care for Yourself.
Wyoming families deserve access to affordable, quality healthcare. Wyoming is not just a rural state, it is truly a frontier state with unique challenges that must be met to make sure that the people from Evanston to Sundance have access to the same quality of health care as folks in larger metropolitan areas. And as a physician who has practiced in Wyoming for more than 20 years, I know the hurdles we face to improve our health care system. We need to continue to invest in new telemedicine technologies. We need to make sure Wyoming's doctors are fairly reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid at the same rate as their East Coast counterparts and we need real tort reform.
Energy Independence.
Wyoming is the nation's energy breadbasket. Producing energy in Wyoming isn't just good for the local economy - it's good for our national security. Every bit of energy we produce here at home decreases the need for us to look overseas to supply our critical energy needs. I believe in smart, balanced energy policy that recognizes the importance of domestic energy production and reducing our reliance on foreign oil, as well as protecting our natural environment. I also believe with smart policy choices and wise investment, Wyoming will continue to be a world leader in coal production, natural gas, and other renewable energy sources.
Strengthening our Borders.
Securing our borders is a chief responsibility of the federal government. One of the first bills I introduced in the U.S. Senate would help block illegal immigrants from securing a driver's license. Some states are acting as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants by not performing even a cursory check to see whether a person is in our country legally before issuing them a license. My legislation will take away ten percent of those states' highway funds if they fail to comply with the law and redistribute that money to states like Wyoming who do. We won't truly be serious about securing our borders and stopping illegal immigration until we stop the practice of issuing driver’s licenses to the very individuals who are breaking our laws.
Protecting our Nation.
When I visited Iraq over Thanksgiving with Sen. McCain, I saw first hand the dedication of our men and women in uniform. I visited with Wyoming's citizen soldiers serving in Iraq and I made a commitment to them to make sure they have everything they need to complete their mission and come home safely. And after they get home, I'm working to make sure they receive the care that every veteran deserves. I'm proud to say that I fought to ensure Wyoming will have a full time Veterans benefits officer in Sheridan to help those who gave so much of themselves to protect our freedom and secure our future.
Promoting Fiscal Responsibility.
I am the son of a cement finisher who knew the value of a dollar. Politicians of both parties in Washington have lost their way when it comes to limiting the size and scope of the federal government. I will vote against wasteful spending wherever I see it and will always remember that the money you earn belongs to you - not to the federal government. I will vote to make the tax cuts permanent and force the federal government to live within its means.
Improving Education.
Like you, I recognize how important it is that decisions about how we can best educate our children be made by parents and teachers and not by bureaucrats in Washington. Wyoming is home to some of the best schools and teachers in America. I will work to make sure that the federal government acts as an aid - not a hindrance - to the work they are doing. Local control is paramount.
Creating Jobs.
Small business is the heart of Wyoming’s economy. Reducing the tax and regulatory burdens on small businesses will help diversify Wyoming's economy for the long term, and protecting our natural resources and scenic areas will help maintain tourism as a vital and growing component of Wyoming's economy.
NOTE: U.S. Senate rules don’t allow us to link from this campaign website to the Barrasso Senate website. The Senate website has a comprehensive list of issue positions taken by Sen ator Barrasso. If you put “Senator John Barrasso” in your favorite search engine, you’ll soon find it!